It seems like they multiply overnight. I know they try to attack me when I'm sleeping. They drive me nuts! What are they? Those darn dust bunnies!
It amazes me how many places those little buggers can hide. They're behind the chairs, under the furniture, in the corners, on the ceiling fans, covering the blinds, in the closets, on the doors...the list goes on and on. Given the many places they are, you'd think I never CLEANED my house! The truth is, I try to do a really good CLEANING once every couple of weeks and in between I put stuff away and wipe things down. No matter how hard I try, the dust bunnies return, again and again, and again!
Sadly, there are dust bunnies in other parts of my life too, and they don't look like those gray little tumbleweeds going down my hallway. Nope, the dust bunnies in the rest of my life look like self-doubt, gossip, unworthiness, jealousy, stress, frustration, untruthfulness...this list goes on and on too. Sometimes these dust bunnies are harder to see. Sometimes it takes some honest self-reflection to notice them. The only way I know how to wash these guys out of my life isn't with a dust cloth and vacuum, but through prayer. Our God is capable of helping us CLEAN these dust bunnies out of our lives. He will help us recognize them, forgive us for them, and help us work on removing them completely if we come to Him with an open, honest heart. All we have to do is talk to God.
Now, do you think He'd get rid of them in my house too? ;)
"Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion, blot out my transgressions. Wash away my iniquities, and CLEANSE me from my sin." Psalm 51:1-2