Sunday, January 29, 2012

Clean: free from dirt, unsoiled, and unstained

It seems like they multiply overnight.  I know they try to attack me when I'm sleeping.  They drive me nuts! What are they? Those darn dust bunnies!

It amazes me how many places those little buggers can hide. They're behind the chairs, under the furniture, in the corners, on the ceiling fans, covering the blinds, in the closets, on the doors...the list goes on and on.  Given the many places they are, you'd think I never CLEANED my house! The truth is, I try to do a really good CLEANING once every couple of weeks and in between I put stuff away and wipe things down. No matter how hard I try, the dust bunnies return, again and again, and again! 

Sadly, there are dust bunnies in other parts of my life too, and they don't look like those gray little tumbleweeds going down my hallway. Nope, the dust bunnies in the rest of my life look like self-doubt, gossip, unworthiness, jealousy, stress, frustration, untruthfulness...this list goes on and on too. Sometimes these dust bunnies are harder to see. Sometimes it takes some honest self-reflection to notice them. The only way I know how to wash these guys out of my life isn't with a dust cloth and vacuum, but through prayer. Our God is capable of helping us CLEAN these dust bunnies out of our lives.  He will help us recognize them, forgive us for them, and help us work on removing them completely if we come to Him with an open, honest heart. All we have to do is talk to God. 

Now, do you think He'd get rid of them in my house too? ;)

"Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion, blot out my transgressions. Wash away my iniquities, and CLEANSE me from my sin." Psalm 51:1-2

Friday, January 27, 2012

Re- : a prefix used with the meaning "to do again"

It's the weekend! Praise God!! 
If you're like me it's a part of the week you look forward to. 
Saturday and Sunday are a gift. 
It's the perfect chance to just "RE-"

Will you "RE-" this weekend? 

RElax-Stop working and rest 
REcharge-Take time to do something you enjoy to get back your energy and strength 
REflect- Think and ponder the ups and downs of the past week 
REmove- Put away an object or thought that has moved you away from God 
REpent- Ask God for forgiveness of sins 
RElease- Give your worries and stress over to God 
REceive- Accept God's forgiveness and love 
REbuild- Strengthen your defenses and faith through prayer, bible study, church, and fellowship

I pray your weekend is full of many opportunities to "RE-".

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you REst. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Courage: a spirit that allows a person to face difficulty or danger

When I first think of COURAGE I think of our men and women in the military, our police officers and firefighters, disaster survivors, and folks who face life threatening health concerns. Rarely, unless it's brought to my attention, do I think of people being COURAGEOUS in their every day lives, but the truth is that we are all COURAGEOUS every day.

Parents and caregivers are COURAGEOUS as they make choices about how to raise their children. At times they have to take a stand for what they believe, even if it flies in the face of what others believe or do. It takes COURAGE to tell a child "no" and stick to it, even as they are having a melt down and not getting their way. It takes COURAGE to send your child out into the world- at school, work, getting married, etc. It takes COURAGE to raise a family and it's not for the faint of heart!

One of the most COURAGEOUS people I've ever known was my dad. When I was in elementary school my dad developed an addiction to alcohol. As the years went by and his addiction became greater and greater, it affected his family, friends, and health. Finally, when I was in high school my dad made the COURAGEOUS decision to get sober. While not easy, he overcame his addiction and mended relationships. It takes COURAGE to face any kind of addiction- alcohol, drugs, nicotine, gambling, food, money, etc.

It also seems to me that it takes COURAGE to be a Christian. Often times our society looks at Christians as "bible thumpers", people who are "holier than thou", or even hypocrites. It takes COURAGE to live a Christian life and to tell others about your beliefs and faith. Being a Christian doesn't mean you're perfect, it means you have a relationship with God. You have a support system through Him. You are saved by His grace. It takes COURAGE to stand-up and proudly say, "I'm not perfect, but I'm working on living my life for God!"

There are so many other ways that we are COURAGEOUS, but one thing I've learned is that it's easier to have COURAGE to do things that are difficult, if you have God on your side. If you don't know Him, I encourage you to meet Him. Do you have the COURAGE to take that step?

"Be strong and of good COURAGE, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

Friday, January 20, 2012

Whirlwind: (adj) with speed or force

Living in Florida you tend to get used to two things: hot, humid summer days and the afternoon thunderstorms that go with them. It’s usually between two and four o’clock in the afternoon when the clouds grow larger, and humidity shoots up with it. Before long the white clouds turn gray and heavy with rain. The WIND starts whipping, the thunder begins to roar, and the lightning slashes across the sky. It’s such a WHIRLWIND of energy, light, and sound. It’s one of God’s great performances.

Even though it’s January, and we don’t have too many thunderstorms and WHIRLWINDS at this time of year, last night I couldn’t help reflecting upon them. I’m taking part in a women’s bible study at my church. We’re working on Jennifer Rothschild’s study called “Fingerprints of God: Recognizing God’s Touch in our Lives.” Our bible study is being led by a friend of mine, Jackie, and last night she reminded me of one those afternoon thunderstorms. Just like the thunderstorms, she is full of energy. She moves quickly from one place to another. Just like the WIND those thunderstorms produce, Jackie fills the room with her big personality, love for the Lord, and willingness to share His love. Jackie’s eager to seek God through prayer and just by watching and talking with her you can see God working through her. When things are tough, Jackie’s there to offer a shoulder to cry on and a prayer that brings with it God’s peace. She is a WHIRLWIND of activity for God.

Just like the afternoon thunderstorm brings with it a WHIRLWIND of activity, I want to be a WHIRLWIND too. I want others to see my enthusiasm for God, His energy surrounding me, and be able to recognize His peace in my life.

“And suddenly there came from Heaven a noise like a rushing WIND, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.”- Acts 2:2

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Exemplify: To show by example

What do you EXEMPLIFY?

health and fitness
financial responsibility
loving parent
good listener
kind heartedness

Everyday we are EXAMPLES for those around us, whether we realize folks are watching us or not. Our words and actions EXEMPLIFY those things that are important or unimportant in our lives.

My friend, Lisa, told me that she was reflecting on a question that her pastor put to the congregation during his Sunday sermon. The pastor asked “What do you live for?” Lisa said she pondered that question for a while. Finally, she realized that what she really wanted was to be a positive EXAMPLE for others. Lisa shared that she was focused on making good choices in her life and that by demonstrating those choices through her daily actions, others would be able to see her as a positive EXAMPLE.

Isn’t that what we’ve been called to do? Imagine if others looked at our daily lives, and through us, they saw Christ. Wouldn’t that be an amazing thing to EXEMPLIFY?

“Follow my EXAMPLE, as I follow the EXAMPLE of Christ.”- 1 Corinthians 11:1

Monday, January 16, 2012

Called: To summon by divine command

Have you ever been CALLED? I don’t mean called on your cell phone by your best friend. I don’t mean called names because of the outlandish things you said or did. I don’t mean called out because you messed up. I mean CALLED, summoned, commanded, hailed by our Maker, Creator, Father…our God.

In the past few months I’ve felt CALLED to share my Christian journey with others. For a Type A, control freak like me, it’s a scary and unknown world. The last time, and to be fair, only time, I published anything (other than a school newsletter) was when I was in Mrs. Fawcett’s 5th grade class. It was a story titled “Awg and the Bluebellies.” Trust me when I say it didn’t come close to winning any literary awards! So the concept of writing anything is overwhelming and humbling.

I don’t understand God’s purpose in calling me to do this. I’ve never been comfortable sharing my faith with others. In fact praying in front of a group is something that I’ve only started to become more at ease with. For me, my faith has always been a quiet, personal thing, that at times has been very strong and at other times wavered. Being CALLED to share my walk with God is a feeling similar to being blindfolded and lead around an unfamiliar room by someone. You put your faith and trust in that person to keep you safe, while on the inside you’re scared about what you might run into.

Even with these feelings, somehow I still feel CALLED to write down my story, and I’m working on trusting God to keep me from bumping my shins. Let the journey begin…

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been CALLED according to his purpose.”~ Romans 8:28